Megan changes sports but still excels!

Dartmouth Academy’s Megan Felton has taken to Tae Kwon Do like a duck to water – already winning silver in the national championships!

Seventeen-year-old Megan only started the sport in 2012, following ten years studying Judo to the highest level at her age group, winning national championships on a regular basis.

Now working towards her blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do, Sixth Former Megan went to the National Championships in Guildford in March and finished with a Silver medal in Sparring in her age group. Sparring is a tough and unforgiving form of the sport and Megan found out just how tough at the end of the final.

“I was knocked out in the final, which was something that has never happened before!” she said. “It was still brilliant to be in the final and bring home a silver medal. I really enjoyed the experience and it won’t put me off!

“The techniques you use in Tae Kwon Do are obviously different from Judo, but the discipline you need is the same and I am really loving it so far.”

Megan is working towards her sports and exercise science A Level and hopes to go on to study American Studies and Sports Science at University.

Lead for Sixth Form Luke Payne said: “Megan has been an enthusiastic member of the year and has really committed to her sports studies here at Dartmouth Academy. Her success in martial arts shows her strength, skill and commitment.”

Dartmouth Academy Principal Nick Hindmarsh said: “Megan is a hard working and dedicated person who has shown she can excel in two different disciplines. Well done Megan!”